Clean HTML
Beautiful and clean HTML is the foundation of a beautiful website. When I teach people about CSS, I always begin by telling them that good CSS can only exist with equally good HTML markup. A house is only as strong as its foundation, right? The advantages of clean, semantic HTML are many, yet so many websites suffer from poorly written markup.
1. Strict DOCTYPE #
If we are going to do this, let’s just do it right. No need for a discussion about whether to use HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0: both of them offer a strict version that will keep us nice and honest as we write our code.
2. Character Set & Encoding Characters #
In our <head> section, the very first thing should be the declaration of our character set. We’re using UTF-8 here, which is swell, but it’s listed after our <title>. Let’s go ahead and move it up so that the browser knows what character set it’s dealing with before it starts reading any content at all.
While we’re talking about characters, let’s go ahead and make sure any funny characters we are using are properly encoded. We have an ampersand in our title. To avoid any possible misinterpretation of that, we’ll convert it to &
3. Proper Indentation #
All right, we are about three lines in and I’m already annoyed by the lack of indentation. Indentation has no bearing on how the page is rendered, but it has a huge effect on the readability of the code. Standard procedure is to indent one tab (or a few spaces) when you are starting a new element that is a child element of the tag above it. Then move back in a tab when you are closing that element.
Indentation rules are far from set in stone; feel free to invent your own system. But I recommend being consistent with whatever you choose. Nicely indented markup goes a long way in beautifying your code and making it easy to read and jump around in.
4. Keep Your CSS And JavaScript External #
We have some CSS that has snuck into our <head> section. This is a grievous foul because not only does it muddy our markup but it can only apply to this single HTML page. Keeping your CSS files separate means that future pages can link to them and use the same code, so changing the design on multiple pages becomes easy.
This may have happened as a “quick fix” at some point, which is understandable and happens to all of us, but let’s get that moved to a more appropriate place in an external file. There is no JavaScript in our head section, but the same goes for that.