Unouit lets focus on what you are looking for and not what others want you to find through one of our main features, our Search Capability.

The internet originally was a place intended mainly for sharing knowledge. But it has become a place where everybody wants to sell you one thing or another.
This Washington Post article is an interesting showcase how the commerce-driven search industry failed us. Although there is no denying that we ourselves contribute to this with our indifference and complacency.
We at Unouit want to give knowledge acquisition the significance it once had. One of the ways we do this is by filtering all the stuff you – as a knowledge worker – are not interested in, when searching the net for valuable insights.
So we prepared a little screencast demonstrating this capability of Unouit. Enjoy!
You surely noticed that we filter multiple things to improve focus while searching for relevant information. We eliminate:
- Clutter around content (like navigation elements, sidebars, headers and footers, etc.)
- Ads (and less visibly: trackers)
- Site Entry Pages (usually containing lots of pointer or marketing content)
- Overview Pages (like lists of articles, that are only another indirection)
- Webshops (as it is about knowledge and not shopping)
- Real Estate, Job Offer, Travel and Entertainment sites (because of… see above)
- Explicitly blacklisted sites (you can add to those yourselves)
- Pages with not enough text on them (as the information content is usually quite low)
If you find this interesting, head over to and give it a try.